More Org Charts
Kelly and I plugged away at the org chart some more. I'm attaching another example from student support. It's not the greatest picture of the org chart, but it gives you an idea of what we are going through to get this done. It's sucking my brain dry, and I've been dealing with it less than Kelly has, so she's probably REALLY burned out from it.

As you can see, it's a disorganized organization, if that's possible. We're being asked to do a job that requires over 20 people with just 9. We are being told to find innovative ways to computerize and streamline work and processes to cut people. I have no doubt that there are places where we can cut bodies, but when it comes to supporting students and helping them with their problems and getting their information into our computer systems, it requires bodies. You could do part of the data inputting with computerized systems that read student ID cards, however, that would require investing money into the computer systems (hardware and software) to make it work. As we know, no one has money now, it is all being dumped into the war effort. So we're stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Greg went down to the boat to put another spring-line on it because there are remnants of a tropical storm moving through now. I told him I would see him late tonight because usually when he goes to the boat he gets caught up talking to other people down there and gets home late. He called me a few minutes ago and said he is on his way home now. He got down there and started talking to Ron, so he got a late start coming home. I made tuna salad for dinner and it's been sitting in the refrigerator waiting on him to come home.
I've been watching the Simpsons, but I have to read for my class tomorrow night. I have about 200 pages to read, so I really need to start. I'll stop for now and start reading.
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