Org Chart.......The Saga Continues
Well, Kelly and I have been working on the org chart today...before we left to go to lunch. I couldn't take it anymore, we had to get out of the office for a while. Here's a sample of the org charts we are working on, with some god-forsaken color scheme that LT Cox came up with for us to follow. The colors only cover relevancies for Dam Neck and have, once again, discounted the rest of the TSC (of which Norfolk processes more students than all the other TSC's put together).

It's probably some of the most boring drivel you've ever seen in your life--welcome to my world! It is a sick place, one that pits a mass of babbling morons against a few intelligent people, and SUPRISE, the morons always win (brute force seems to beat out common sense and logic all the time). So, Kelly and I are stuck working on this God forsaken orgchart with no hope for the future, and no hope for reality. You'd think that someone would eventually get a clue, but I'm not holding my breath, afraid I would pass out ;)
So here we are, Kelly should be back in the office any time now to start working on this org chart again. She's supposed to come over tonight if we don't get it finished today so we can finish it before tomorrow. Unfortunately, she probably won't be there until around 9pm or so, which is going to make for a LONG night. No problem, though, that's why I have a coffee pot!
Kim came back from the CO's call for civilians today with the scoop from what the Captain put out. The Captain seems to think that the 5401 will be done in about 6 months. I have mixed feelings about that. The 5401 will either get done by the time Admiral Moran leaves in a few weeks, or it won't be done for another year. I know it is cynical, but how else to you expect me to react to it? We've been revising it for months now and still haven't come to a final product. There was a huge conference in San Diego in May where the final details were supposed to be ironed out amongst all of the centers and TSC's. After one of the most painful weeks in my life we got a final draft to take to the Admiral. Well, it's almost September now, and we are still no closer than we were in May. Makes me worry and wonder about the whole thing. It also irritates me to think that the 5401 has so many fuzzy, not clearly defined responsibilities in it. Instead of telling people what they are responsible for, it says things such as "as required," or "when requested." Hell, that doesn't give you any concrete idea as what you are supposed to be doing in your job. It gives you a bunch of loop holes to blame your problems on someone else. Unfortunately, it is probably us here in the TSCs who are going to catch most of the slack, even though most of the problems will be pawned off by centers who didn't take care of it to begin with and we were just their scapegoat for it. Holding people accountable for their actions isn't always the easiest thing to do, especially when the 5401 gives them a "get out of jail free" card for just about any issue that could arise.
Well, let me quit babbling inanely for now. I'm sure there are things I could be doing other than typing in here, although this brings me much more joy ;)
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