Chloe--The Annoying One

Greg calls her the “CT2000V1”—the Cat Terrorizer 2000 Version 1. She has done an excellent job of that, and has done an even better job of terrorizing me. She poops in the floor! I have tried everything I can think of to get her to stop, but nothing has succeeded. My only recourse has been to stick her in the dog cage throughout the day while I’m at work. If it wasn’t for that, she would poop in every room in the house. I have decided that I don’t really like animals that require lots of attention. I think that is why I’m a cat person. Cat’s require far less attention than dogs and can take care of themselves. They don’t yip and yap every time you open a door to go outside, they don’t leave presents in the floor, they don’t demand your attention continuously. I like that. I’m sure that Buddha and Isis like that, too, and that they will be VERY happy for Chloe to go home. Buddha doesn’t even come downstairs very often. Isis comes downstairs, but every time she sees Chloe—and Chloe sees her and runs after her—she runs upstairs. My poor cats, I don’t know how they’re going to get over the trauma. Buddha may never sleep in the same bed with me again ;)

Greg bought a new boat, a Carolina Skiff, and wants to go fishing this weekend. He told me I needed to get my fishing license. I was going to stop on my way home and pick them up, but before I left work I decided to check on the DGIF (Dept of Game and Inland Fisheries) website. I found that I could buy the license online, so I did. All I had to do once I had purchased them was print out the license. That was very nice. I am nothing but impressed with the services the Commonwealth of Virginia offers to its citizens (and military). You can do just about everything you need to do for your obligations to government online. Renew your car license, buy new license, get your hunting and fishing licenses. It’s amazing! I’ll have to write a letter to Gov. Warner to tell him how pleased I am with the state services.
In all honesty, this post is a test post of emailing my blog to be posted. Hopefully it will work. This one’s for the gold!
More later.
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