Another Day of Fishing--11:50am
We're sitting out off of the Nansemond Bridge where the Nansemond meets the James River.

Sue and Greg have been cast-netting for bait and caught some spot and a "corn cobb" mullett--and a bunch of shad, which we threw back (they're protected). I'm still smarting from my sunburn, and I look up and say "Thank you, God" everytime the sun goes behind a cloud. I've slathered myself with sunscreen in an effort to ward off further burns. We're drifting with the wind and the tide to fish for flounder, puppy drum, spot and croaker. W'ere just off of pilings that used to be a bait and tackle store on the water.

Justing seems to be having fun fishing, his problem is its hard to keep him from reeling in the line. His dad has taught him how to be quite chauvenistic. We stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up some stuff. Greg and I went in and left Sue and Justic in the truck to watch the boat. While Greg and I were inside, Justin said to Sue, "Why are you going fishing with us? Boys fish, girls don't." Definitely a taught trait. We told Justin that Sue taught Greg how to fish, which is the truth--both Sue and Ron taught Greg a lot about saltwater fishing. I'm sure he could teach them about freshwater fishing, though.
We encountered a storm while we were out there, and we ended up running back in to Bennetts Creek to avoid thunder and lightening. We drove inland on the creek and ended up cast netting and catching several finger mullet for bait. Greg and Sue brought them home and froze them for striper season. I continued to roast the whole time, save the occasions where the sun went behind a cloud--occasions which I was very thankful for.
We returned home and I took Justin back to his parents and a birthday party at the VFW. Afterwards I went to the store and bought the stuff to make a salad and potatoes and onions. I cooked dinner while Greg cleaned up the boat. Afterwards, we're sitting here watching ENTERPRISE on television. That's about the summation of today. There are a lot of other things that happened today, but most of it is inconsequential. I'll sign off for now, I might write more later, if not, it will wait until tomorrow.
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