Saturday, March 05, 2005

Posting Again

It's been a while since my last post. Seems I get busy doing things around here and lose track of writing in my blog--and in my personal journal. Time is the fire in which we burn, I am definitely sure of that. I seem to succumb to its evil influence all the time--that old saying the road to hell and what it's paved with. This weekend has been another weekend. Last night was free food and darts night at the O'club. After we left there, we went to one of the guy's Q room and played Texas Hold'em. I finally learned how to play it, but I can't swear that I'm very good at it. We didn't play for cash, but I managed to lose all the chips I had--had to get a couple of handouts to make it through the game. Tonight, I went and saw Constantine again. I thought it was a pretty good movie. It was kinda corny and there were some scenes in there that I thought were stupid, but I still thought it was a good movie all in all.

Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep. I'm going to play racquetball tomorrow morning at 1100, so I need to get some sleep tonight.