Hurricane Francis
Nothing really happened today at work. I came home and didn't do much of anything. Greg did some work on the motor of the skiff, and that's about it. We watched the Simpsons and then the tail end of Star Trek V. That's about all we've done. I made some coffee ice cream, and now Greg is watching Godfather III--again, this must be the 7th or 8th time we've watched it. I'm starting to really get sick of it.
Buddha and Isis are being very stand-offish tonight. They don't want anything to do with anyone tonight. Buddha is sitting in the papa san staring around at everyone as though he's the king of the house. Unfortunately, he's been demoted to servant to the queen, and Isis has been promoted to queen. When Chloe came over, Buddha ran and hid upstairs, but Isis smacked Chloe around. Since Buddha was too chicken to stand up and rule the roost and Isis stood up and ruled the roost, she became the Queen, and Buddha was demoted.
I think I'm getting ready to go to bed. I haven't slept much here lately, so I'm going to try to get some sleep tonight. Kim is having a psuedo-party tomorrow for her sister who is visiting from Kentucky. Greg and I are going to visit for a while. I plan on staying and visiting for a little bit, I don't know how long Greg is going to stay, though. Kim guilted Greg into showing up, he wasn't going to go at all. Monday we are going to a party at Mike's house for Labor Day.
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