Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I'm Back....and There's Snow!

Well, after a long absence from typing in here, I've returned to add more comments. I'm sure everyone was waiting with baited breath for me to post again. Not too much to talk about, though, even though I'm sure there are a lot of things I should say. I find myself at a loss for words of late. I think it has a lot to do with just having too much stuff going on. That's okay, though, that's what the government pays me for (I think).

Anyway, after all of the time I spent in RI--in New England--I saw two dustings of snow. I was somewhat disappointed, after all, it's supposed to snow in New England. Well, I get back to Virginia for Christmas and it snowed here....twice! The first time was a dusting that didn't stick around too long. The second time, the day after Christmas, I got 10 inches of snow at my house. It was really, really cool since I like snow. The only problem is, why did it have to happen in VA instead of in RI where it's supposed to snow? Beats me, that's a problem for the weather guessers to figure out, not me.

I am posting some pictures for everyone to see, hopefully you'll like them as much as I did. This first one is of the Christmas Tree in my front yard (my first year here I bought a live tree and after Christmas planted it in my front yard; it has now become tradition that that tree is the Christmas tree for the house) at night during the first dusting of snow.

I think that's a pretty cool picture....just me, though. This next pcture is of the tree during the next snow. I took it during the daytime with the snow still falling. At this time, we only had 6 inches of snow, and it kept coming down all day.

This final picture I took that same morning, with the moon in the background above the house across the street. I thought it turned out pretty good, but you can be the judge of that ;)

I guess that's about all I have to post today. Hopefully you enjoy the pictures and everything. I've really enjoyed the snow, although it has made it something of a mess around here. So much of a mess that I lost power for 2 days and nights. Fortunately I have a gas fireplace so I was able to keep warm, but some people around here probably weren't that lucky. But, to add insult to injury, my furnace also broke. It actually broke on Christmas Eve. The Hot Surface Ignitor, as they call it, went out. I ended up ordering another one, but didn't get it until yesterday. Like I said, fortunately I have a gas fireplace so I stayed warm.

Anyway, I hope this post finds everyone in good spirits. Hopefully you've enjoyed the snow, if you got it, and if you didn't, I'm sorry because I sure have enjoyed it. It gives me flashbacks to when I was a kid. Everytime it snowed my Grandmother would stand at the window with a cup of coffee in her hand and watch it snow. It had such a profound effect on me that I catch myself doing the same thing now that I'm all grown up. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just hard to reconcile staring out the window when I feel like there's something I should be doing. Always something to do in life, isn't there?

Take care, hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, and hopefully you all will have a very wonderful New Year!


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